We believe in order to build sustainable, ecological economies, our future world and a healthy planet, we must understand our own relationship with nature and ourselves. We use the term “inner-sustainability” to describe the process of knowing oneself and being consciously aware of how to best manage one’s present and future choices. Hopefully, these choices will coincide naturally with decision-making that opts for a durable world with equitable economies.
Our off-the-grid retreat sanctuary is a sustainable and regenerative project. We started our permaculture garden with vegetable and fruits in early 2023. We hope to grow much of what we need on-site and whatever else is lacking will be locally sourced. We have 64 solar panels to fulfill our electric energy consumption, our hot water is heated by thermal dynamic panels, our water is from our well and we have an ancient water source that flows through our land that we can use for irrigation. In the colder months, we have a wood pellet Biomass that heats the water to provide heat in the cabins.
We compost, recycle and provide ecological soap and shampoo that do not harm the land or the river. We ask our guests to also bring only ecological skin care and hygiene products to use during their stay. We greatly appreciate the American wilderness motto of LEAVE NO TRACE and ask all guests to respect these principles during their stay.
The nature at Tinhela610 offers beauty and abundance, calm and serenity. Using this as our base, our guests can plug into the flora and fauna, the stars and sky, the wildlife and birds--and become more grounded, adaptable, recharged and focused. We both feel, as perfectly put by podcaster Rich Roll:
"We share a bristled resistance to the flavor of the month self-help (gurus), an allergy to the life-hack culture and relentless optimization...along with the reductive binary conclusions and statements of the pursuit of excellence...".
Our combined experience of over 50 years of work in the field of human flourishing has given birth to our ultimate project, Tinhela610. Thus, our greatest endeavor is to contribute positively to human, animal, plant and mineral life on this majestic planet Earth.

A Place to Breathe.
Our whimsical map to give you something to dream about for your visit to our "enchanted kingdom".